My friend Elizabeth told me she thought it would great if we all thought of one thing to be thankful for each day and posted it on our facebook pages or blogs. I think it is a great idea and have started posting the things I am thankful for. I loved the idea but I think it is something we should do every day not just start a few weeks before thanksgiving.
We should have a list of things to thank God every day. Not just one or two days a year. If you can't think of anything then thank you are able to get out of bed if nothing else.
Some of you say, well, I don't know what to say or my prayers sound dumb. Guess what? God does not care. He just wants you to pray and say what is in your heart.
Terry lynn Taylor says...Gratitude is our most direct line to God and the angels. If we take the time, no matter how crazy and troubled we feel, we can find something to be thankful for. The more we seek gratitude, the more reason the angels will give us for gratitude and joy to exist in our lives. ~ Terry Lynn Taylor is right.
Thanks for your comment today. :)
ReplyDeleteP.S. I saw this handy hint of Braja's on another blog, and thought of you!
" is the address that your comments are sent from. You haven't designated an email address so that anyone can reply. It blocks communication.
Go to your profile. Click on Edit profile, and then choose the third box down, Show My Email. Simple :)"
I believe gratitude should be a way of life. I am very thankful for every little thing God gives me. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving, Doylene
ReplyDeleteGood morning Garnet...I just discovered you have 2 blogs...I will follow this one too! I'm grateful for many things in my life, one of them is blogging. I have met so many wonderful friends that have enriched my days...You are one of them!!! Thank you!
Thank you, wanda. I, like you have met many wonderful people this way.
ReplyDeleteJinksy..thank you for telling me about the email. *s*