Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Upside down week

This past week has been like a roller coaster ride. Really did not know if I was coming or going. Thank God I have Him in my life is all I can say.....

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Thanks To God.

Sometimes I wonder why I do this blog. I know there are people out there who read it as there are some brave souls who even admit to following it. But there are times when I think I could be doing other things.

Tonight, I realize that I am doing this one because I feel there is a purpose to what I am doing. I am finding a way to express to people how I feel about God and the important things in my life.
God gave me several gifts. One of those gifts is the ability to express myself in my writings and in the quilts I make for others.

When I am frustrated, I pick up a pen, my meditation books and head for the kitchen table and I read my book and bible then comment on what I have read. I also do that on the computer via this blog and it helps me get over whatever frustrations I have. Or, I pick up my fabric, needle and thread and go at my quilt while I watch t.v. or listen to music. God gave me those gifts to comfort me. I love him for that.

I do not get out to witness to him as I feel I should so I go to my computer and try and witness to him. I know it is like pounding my head against a wall at times but I do try.

Thank you God for giving me the abilities I do have!!!

Saturday, March 14, 2009


When I was younger I would listen my mom make promises I think I knew as a child she could not keep. I knew she loved me and I knew she meant well when she said she would get me the bike I knew she could not afford. You see my mother did not raise me. She was not a well woman and was not able to take care of me but she wanted me to love her so she would often tell me she would do certain things I knew she was unable to do just because she wanted me to love her. Do you understand that? I don't think she knew how much it hurt me when I did not get that bike or that camera or the huge doll she wanted so desperately to give me.

I learned something from that. I learned never to make a promise I cannot keep. I never did it with my husband or my kids. Even now if I tell someone I am going to be somewhere at a certain time, I am there or I have a good reason for not being there like an illness or such. If say I am going to call someone at noon, I call them. I am a firm believer in keeping my word. Before making a promise, ask yourself if you can keep it. If you can't don't make it.

Proverbs 20:7 tells us that a righteous woman walks in her integrity.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Frist timer

These are some blocks I have been putting together for a quilt for my eldest. This is the first time for a log cabin. Wish me luck on it.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


This is one of those nights I cannot sleep and as I sat in my living room tonight, getting ready for my meditation, I saw many things I did not need. There are various knic nacs I have sitting around that I don't need. There are cameras here. Three to be exact and I only one. Hubby has 3 binoculars laying out on my dishwasher. Does he really need 3? There are endless Cds we never listen to any more piled on the desk. Clothes that I will never wear hang in my closets. Some shirts in his. We will never wear them but they hang there.

Purses. I must have ten of them and only use one, maybe two. The others are just hanging there and I keep thinking I will need them some day. For what?

I have decided that Good will can use these things better than I. Someone some where may want a purse and they cannot afford to buy one. Or one of the many pairs of shoes that I have here. I am not going to wear them so someone might put them to good use.

Some times our lives become cluttered like our homes. Too many things going on and too many things keeping us from our daily walk with God. I am working on getting rid of those things. Some of my online activties kept me from my walk but now I am useing the computer to try and Keep God in my activities on here for the most part. I have cut back on tv time and try to spend more reading books on meditation and prayer. My daughters have gotten me some wonderful prayer journals that I keep filling. I love them.

But if your life is filled with clutter, get rid of it. You will find it makes you happier.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Mona's quilt.

It took me over a year to do this memory quit for my mil who turned 80 two years ago. It took a long time but it was well worth it. She cried and my sils all cried when they saw it. They kept looking at all the pictures and when the tears stopped they had some good laughs too.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

No one understands

Do you ever have one of those times in your life when you are in the pit of despair? You try to make others understand how hurt and angry you are without hurting them but they just say, get over it and move on with your life? I heard that many times from my earthly friends and loved ones who thought they were helping me by saying that.

I had been married for two years when my husband and I found out I could never have children of my own. It devastated both of us but he seemed to move on. I could not because I always felt it was my fault. I had some sort of defect that made me different then other women. I did not like being around other women with children because I felt they were superior to me. When my sister in laws started having children I became so envious of them I could not go to family gatherings without feeling they were so much better and I did not belong there.

Then one day my one sister in law sent me a card that showed me she understood what was going on with me. She sent me a card with Jesus with his arms spread open on the front. I opened it and all she wrote was, He understands.

It reminded me of this song written by John Peterson

No one understands like Jesus
No one understands like Jesus;
He's a Friend beyond com-pare.

Meet Him at the throne of mercy;
He is waiting for You there.

No one under-stands like Jesus
When the days are dark and grim.
No one is so near, so dear as Jesus;
Cast Your every care on Him.

No understands like Jesus;
Every woe He sees and feels.
Tenderly He whispers comfort,
And the broken heart He heals.


No one understands like Jesus
When the foes of life assail.
You should never be discouraged;
Jesus cares and will not fail.


NO one understands like Jesus
When you falter on the way.
Though you fail Him, sadly fail Him,
He will pardon You today.

When it comes right down to it, no one really does understand your heart like he does.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

My quilt

I know I should be working on my qult instead of doing this but I saw where one of the blocks is off center and I wanted to quit. But I am not a quitter. I will finish the quilt within the time limit I sat for it.

by Felipe Gomez
Rating: 3.28
Votes: 18
When things go wrong
and sometimes they will
when the road you are struggling in
Is a twisted hill

When you need help
and the debts are high,
you want to smile
But you have to sigh

When care is pressing
you down a bit
rest if you must
But never quit

Life is hard
during its twists and turns
as everyone of us
Sometimes learns

And many a failure
will turn about
when we might have won
Had we stuck it out

Never give up
though the pace seems slow
you just may succeed
With another blow

You never can tell
how close you are
it may be near
and still seem so far

Stick to the fight
when at your hardest hit
its when things seem worse
That you must never quit

I thought of that poem when I thought of tossing the quit aside but I had so much time and money investing. I would not quit or postpone finishing. I will go on.

Thursday, March 5, 2009


I have had problems in my life that seemed insurmountable. Someone once told me that I should be glad I had them. I thought that was an odd thing to say. This person said it means that God has confidence in me. Well, there are days I wish God did not have so much confidence in me.

But Norman Vincent Pealle once wrote....Every problem has in it the seeds of its own solution. If you don't have any problems, you don't get any seeds.

And we need those seeds.

If we do not have problems, how can we appreciate the good things God gives us when life is good?

Romans 5:3 tells us how to deal with our problems...We also exhult in our tribulations, knowing that tribulation brings about presevance; and perseverance, proven character, and proven character, hope and hope; does not disappoint.